Ocean Inspired Summer Campers!

I was so thrilled to be asked to speak at the Jupiter Lighthouse Art Center's Summer Camp last week. The Art center in collaboration with Mother Ocean (an organization dedicated to creating, inspiring, and empowering ocean advocates world wide), designed curricula around different local artists inspired by the ocean. Week 8 was "Drawn to discover…Nautical charts and maps: Explore the art of navigation…painting on charts, creating maps, discovering the geography of the sea. Study ancient maps and charts, and artist’s interpretations of seafaring journeys."

I shared some of my art and my story with the campers and was delighted by their enthusiasm and interest in the octopus and other characters from my paintings. I think the underdog series was a hit because some had never seen sea life like that in a painting before. I hope it encourages more ocean adventures and exploration, creating new bonds with this amazing place we live, and the other humans and creatures that we share it with. "People protect what they love." ~Jacques Yves Cousteau. I hope you enjoy the beautiful artwork below as much as I did. There are still two weeks left of camp if you would also like your own child to experience ocean-themed art-making before school starts!
Special thanks also to Cynthia Trone, Director of Education at Jupiter Lighthouse Art Center, and Mother Ocean's Executive Director.
Special thanks also to Cynthia Trone, Director of Education at Jupiter Lighthouse Art Center, and Mother Ocean's Executive Director.